
The Mailbox Routine

Often, the highlight of Sophie's afternoon is heading down to the mailbox. I can't lie, it's one of my favorite activities too. Especially this time of year when we are receiving so many great Christmas cards from friends, packages, and magazines, not just a bunch of junk mail. It goes a little something like this...

I ask Sophie if she'd like to go get the mail. She nods emphatically and smiles and runs to find her shoes. We bundle up, grab the keys, which she insists on carrying and head out the door.

The first hurdle is the front step. She usually reaches up for my hand, but since I was ahead of her to take a photo this time, she decided the safest approach was to sit on her bottom and scoot off that front step.

Next we head down the walk. She usually insists on walking right across the grass. No need to stick to the sidewalk.

When we get out to the main sidewalk, we pause and check things out. Any friends outside today? Any  planes or birds flying by? Dogs walking by? No, ok, let's keep going.

We get a little distracted along the way. Checking things out, taking a break and sitting down.

Sometimes Nacho, the neighborhood cat, joins us for the walk.

When we get to the mailbox, Sophie likes to try and open it herself.

After some help from Mom, Sophie likes to choose which ones she will carry back by herself.

We head back down the sidewalk, stopping for all the same distractions on our way home.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I remember it used to take 45 minutes just to walk around the block, what with all the pebbles, tiny flowers, random things that had fallen out of people's pockets, leaves, etc.
