
Happy Girl

Just in case this blue and brown outfit makes you think I might be a boy, I'm sporting a giant flower headband to reassure you that I am not.


Reading the Rags

Even Sophie enjoys the National Enquirer from time to time.



Sophie still isn't a huge fan of tummy time, but we're finding ways to distract her and keep her happy in that position. Her neck is getting stronger and stronger every day.


Morning Smiles

The other morning Sophie woke up too early and I just wasn't ready to get up with her. So I brought her back in bed, snuggled her and she fell right back asleep. We try not to make this an everyday thing, but I loved it and you can tell by the smiles when she woke up that she did too.


Why is that camera always in my face?

Every time I try to just kick back and relax on my boppy pillow, mom shows up with that camera again.


Splish Splash

Sophie will hate me later in life for posting these nudie pics, but I just had to document her first sink bath. She loved it! So much more fun than a boring plastic tub on the counter.


Happy 3 Month Birthday Sophie!

When I posted about Sophie turning 12 weeks old and wrote that she was officially 3 months old, I got a little flack from Chase. Today, January 14 is exactly 3 months after the day Sophie was born!


New Friends

When Sophie was itty bitty, she hated being strapped in her car seat. The only way she would tolerate it was if she had a binky in her mouth at all times. As she's become more aware of her surroundings and her toys, she's starting to have a few favorites. This little birdie makes car rides so much easier. As soon as I put the birdie in front of her, they start their "conversation" and keep each other company in the car.


My Aunties Are The Best!

Here is Sophie sporting another Christmas present, this one is from Auntie Sara. Sophie's Aunties are keeping her well dressed.


Twelve Weeks!

Holy cow, where have the last twelve weeks gone? Today Sophie is officially 3 months old. Here is a picture from the first day we brought her home from the hospital and one of her just yesterday in the very same chair. It's hard to believe that's even the same baby!


Morning Talks

Each morning when Sophie gets up, she has a little breakfast and then likes to tell us all about her night. These are a few morning pictures from yesterday.


Goodbye 2010

In 2010, Chase and I celebrated our first anniversary and welcomed little Sophie into our lives. It was a great year for us. We're looking forward to many new adventures in 2011. Happy new year!