
See Ya

Oh hey, I'm just trying to get up and walk away. No biggie.

P.S. Check out Camden's pointed toes. Just like his sister way back when.


Nine Month Stats

Camden and I went in for his nine month check up last week. He weighed in just shy of 20 lbs which puts him in the 50th percentile for weight. At 19lbs, 15 oz he is just about a pound bigger than Sophie was at this same check up. He measured 29 inches, an inch longer than she was, and puts him in the 75th percentile for height. 


Sunshine, Animals and Snacks

Those three things can keep my kiddos happy all day long. A trip to the zoo is always fun, although sometimes just climbing and eating are more fun than the animals.


Dog Lover

Camden is a big fan of animals, just like his sister. His current favorite word is "gah" which is used for any four legged creature.


Sad Fans

Guess we won't be cheering our team on in the Super Bowl.


Camden's Crawl

This may not be the most traditional crawl, but he can move! Camden is nine months old today!

Camden Crawl from Sarah Kemps on Vimeo.



With his new crawling abilities, Camden is finding getting past corners can be a little tricky!


Sweet Moments

love how much these two love each other. I caught them holding hands and making each other laugh in the car. 


Duck, Duck, Squirrel

Sophie loves feeding the ducks and Camden is obsessed with all animals right now, so an afternoon at the park was the perfect way to pass some time the other day. All we needed was a few loaves of bread and everyone was entertained.

We also made a squirrel friend...

 and trained a few seagulls to catch bread in the air.


Tiny Teeth

Not to be outdone by his sister, who may have crawled just a teensy bit earlier, Camden is sprouting four teeth at once. All top four teeth are starting to poke through! At first, I was afraid he was going to be lopsided because the two on his right side came in first, but the left side followed just a day or so later.



Sophie is a big fan of Frozen. Actually, we all are. It's the cutest Disney movie I've seen in a long time. Santa brought Sophie both Anna and Elsa dresses and she loves to dress up as Elsa to build her ice castle.