
Toilet Paper Tyrant

Maybe tyrant isn't the right word here. Especially because I saw Sophie reach for the toilet paper roll and start to slowly unwind it and I thought it was more fun to run and get my camera than actually make her stop playing with it. Who knew how much she could pull off and shred in the 15 seconds I was gone?


Decisions, Decisions

Sometimes it's really tough for a girl to choose her outfit.


Here Ducky, Ducky

Birds in general, and especially ducks are always fascinating to Sophie. I've taken her to feed them a few times recently and she loved it! I keep her a safe distance, mostly because they freak me out. If she had the chance, she'd probably try to reach out and grab one or crawl right over and snatch the bread back.

Sophie sampling the duck bread

The geese at Woodward Park are no joke

They will even sneak up behind you!


Do These Make Me Look Smarter?

 Sophie is a lover of all glasses these days. In fact, she'll snatch them right off your face if given the chance. Eyeglasses. Sunglasses. If she met someone with a monocle, she'd probably try to grab that too. She prefers to just jam them in her mouth, but we thought we'd show her how they are actually meant to be worn.


Crazy Cousins

Spending some sweet time fooling around with cousin Gannon.


Throw 'Em Up

That's right, what's up? 

Sophie likes throwing signs?!?! She certainly didn't learn it from me, but she sure thinks its funny.


Puppy Love

One of Sophie's favorite games these days is playing fetch with Lulu. Usually, Lulu gets a kick out of it as well. Lulu is always very sweet with her sister and drops the toy for her right away. It's a tug of war if I try to take it from her! Sophie is really starting to understand the game and throws the toy for Lulu although it usually only lands about a foot away.


Walkin' to the Beat

Sophie isn't actually walking yet (thank goodness because I'm not ready) but every day she gets a little closer. She's pulling up on furniture, my legs, and anything else she can get her hands on. She lets go and manages to hold herself upright for about 5-10 seconds. At that point she usually claps for herself and falls down! She also likes to quickly switch her grasp back and forth between the ottoman and the couch.

We figured it was time for some toys that could help her out so we picked up this horrendous-looking, loud-noise making machine. She's in love. Its supposed to have two stages, the first is where she sits calmly in front of it and plays with all the musical buttons. She decided to skip right over that and on to stage two though. She loves pushing it around. She's still pretty wobbly though so we have to hold on or it gets away from her.

Walkin' to the Beat from Sarah Kemps on Vimeo.



Everything is scrutinized these days. Tiny, little pieces of fuzz are found on the carpet. Itsy, bitsy crumbs of food are found on the kitchen tile. This girl has super power vision. The littlest things and smallest details seem to get her attention these days. And, apparently, camera lenses are fascinating and need studying as well.


Party Girl

Sophie may be starting to take after her Daddy a little too much.




Atlantic Coast

On our trip to New Jersey, Sophie seemed a little unsure of the water and waves. She loved smooshing the sand in her toes and between her fingers though and we'd set her up in her own little pool in the shade. Her favorite part of the beach this time seemed to be the seagulls. She had a blast watching and then chasing them!



Happy Birthday Chase! You are an amazing daddy. Sophie and I love you very much!

Falling in love with Daddy from the start.