
Walkin' to the Beat

Sophie isn't actually walking yet (thank goodness because I'm not ready) but every day she gets a little closer. She's pulling up on furniture, my legs, and anything else she can get her hands on. She lets go and manages to hold herself upright for about 5-10 seconds. At that point she usually claps for herself and falls down! She also likes to quickly switch her grasp back and forth between the ottoman and the couch.

We figured it was time for some toys that could help her out so we picked up this horrendous-looking, loud-noise making machine. She's in love. Its supposed to have two stages, the first is where she sits calmly in front of it and plays with all the musical buttons. She decided to skip right over that and on to stage two though. She loves pushing it around. She's still pretty wobbly though so we have to hold on or it gets away from her.

Walkin' to the Beat from Sarah Kemps on Vimeo.


  1. noooooo. she's getting so big!

  2. I love that the whole family goes along for the walk! Can't wait to listen to those annoying songs all night tomorrow :) And love the new blog look!

  3. I love it!! Sometimes the louder and uglier the toy, the more they love it!! Her and Wyatt can have push & walk along dates anytime now! lol
