
My Girls

Enjoying a lovely afternoon outside with all of my girls.


Six Month Check Up

Sophie was a brave girl for her six month check up at the pediatrician the other day. Although she had to endure more shots (see those bandaids on her thighs?) she hardly cried at all and was smiling at the receptionist by the time we checked out. Sophie is growing like a weed and now weighs 16lbs and 6oz and is 26 1/2 inches long!


Look Up Here Sophie!

Now that Sophie is sitting up more steadily, she's become obsessed with checking out her own clothes. Even outfits she's worn a million times like these pajamas are fascinating to her now, maybe it's the new angle. It's making the picture taking a little more difficult these days!


Four Generations

Such a treat for Sophie to have so many lovely women in her life, and these are only a couple of them!


Pucker Up

This funny little expression is Sophie's new "concentrating" face for when she's feeling serious or working on a new trick.



Sophie has turned into Miss Grabby Hands lately and wants to touch or hold anything that I have. It's so much fun to watch her study her own hands and figure out how to put them to use.



Lots of silly things make entertaining hats these days.


Beach Weekend

We spent a weekend on the coast enjoying the beautiful weather in Shell Beach and Avila Beach with our friends Sarah, Doug and Kendall. Sophie dipped her toes in the water and sand for the first time.



The milestones in Sophie's life are coming so quickly these days. She's sporting two teeth, has celebrated a half birthday and is now starting to sit up on her own.


Elf or Munchkin?

Whatever this hood reminds you of, it's another one that makes me giggle. I just love the funny shape around her round face. This little sweater actually belonged to Auntie Sara.


A Girl of Many Faces

Happy 6 month birthday to our sweet baby whose beautiful face and silly expressions bring us joy every single day!




I've enjoyed carrying Sophie around in soft carriers since she was really little, otherwise known as "babywearing." There is a whole world of babywearing fools out there with blogs and websites touting the practice. Chase decided to give it a try around the house this weekend, and both he and Sophie seemed to really like the experience.


Summer Lovin'

We have a long way to go until summer, but we enjoyed a couple of days in the 80s and I had fun pulling out some of Sophie's summer clothes. She had fun letting those legs out.



Sophie Blue Eyes

Apparently what I was taught in Biology about eye color is all wrong. Experts now say that its not as simple as they previously thought and blue eye color isn't just a recessive gene. Its much more complicated than that and involves a bunch of different factors. However it happened, I'm excited to say that at five and a half months, Sophie's eyes are still a beautiful blue and I hope they stay that way. We love Dad's brownish-hazel eyes, but us girls like to stick together with our blue eyes!