
Tickle Hands

Sophie has recently learned that her hands are good for tickling back. Here she is trying to tickle me.




We've had a busy few days and I'm a little behind on the blogging, but on Thanksgiving and every day I am thankful for....my little family, my extended family, our health and our happiness. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.



Last week, Sara, Ridge and Gannon treated us to a fun night for my birthday at a local Teppanyaki restaurant. The setting was perfect for Sophie! She was mesmerized by the chef cooking in front of us and clapped and cheered the whole time. She loved all the food and especially loved the fried rice and playing drums with her chopsticks.

A New Hangout

Sophie is a big fan of getting into things these days. Especially her toy baskets!



The perfect way to help Sophie practice feeding herself with a spoon is with ice cream. She was highly motivated to work on her skills!


Measuring Up

One of Sophie's current favorite "toys" is a little measuring tape. She discovered it about a week ago, and she insists on holding it in her high chair. It was sitting on the dining room table one day while I was trying to feed her lunch and in between every bite she kept pointing and oohing. I handed her a mini pumpkin, nope. I handed her my fork, nope. I let her have a sip from my glass of water, nope. None of those things were what she wanted. I finally handed her the measuring tape because it was the only other thing on the table and she wiggled with joy. Now she loves to pull the tape in and out, in and out.


Visiting with the Pedersens

Last weekend, we made a road trip to Shell Beach to visit with our good friends Sarah, Doug and their two sweet girls Kendall and Katelyn. Sophie had a blast following Kendall around, she loves everything about big kids these days. We visited the Avila barn to see some farm animals and taste some delicious ice cream. We also took Sophie to a tailgate before a Cal Poly football game. We had a blast hanging with the Pedersesen family!


The Saturday Post

Yesterday Sophie enjoyed her first parade. Happy belated Veteran's Day to all who have served, especially our Baba!

Morning Snuggles

Sophie has a very early internal alarm clock, especially since the time change. Luckily for us, all she really wants is a little snuggle time in the morning. Each morning around five (sometimes closer to six if we are lucky) she calls out for us. Its the kind of cry that I know means she's not going to go back to sleep on her own. Chase goes to get her and brings her back in bad with us where she snuggles in for at least two more hours. While the early morning wake up call isn't the most fun, we can usually fall back asleep as well and then we are treated to this little face when we all wake up.

Still snoozing

Smiles while waking up

Happy to have Lulu by her side

(P.S. I was using Hipstamatic again on these photos which is why the color is weird, there are weird splotches and Lulu is just a blur in the bottom of the picture. I think I had a different lens on. We don't really have strange dark spots on our sheets in case you were wondering)