
Eight Months

Plus about two weeks. 

He wants to crawl. Loves to eat. Claps and talks and melts our hearts. Camden is growing like a weed. 

I swear his hair isn't red, just some weird lighting going.


Six Months

A lot has happened since I last decided to post something on here. We went to Disneyland, vacationed in Hawaii, Sophie turned three, we finally moved into our house and had a big party for the birthday girl, and Camden has hit all kinds of milestones! He is six months old and rolls over, sits on his own, bites with those two tiny teeth and cracks us up every day. We started him on food at four months so he is already eating a variety of things and grabbing for more. This boy is a kicking machine, he can not hold still for one minute. He has blisters on his toes from jumping and his ankles just from kicking and giving himself little rug burns! He is a happy little guy and so mellow. We love him so much!



Life's Latest

I've got so many great pictures to share from my big camera, but it's taking me way to long to get those downloaded and on to the blog. So for now, we have updates from my iPhone. Some day I'll have my camera, my computer and working internet all in the same place. Here is a little peak into what we've had going on lately...

Most importantly, we've been loving on our big boy, who is growing like a weed! He turned five months on the 17th and changes daily.

We've started feeding him simple solid foods and he's not sure what he thinks. Some days he likes them, some days he purses his little lips and won't let that spoon in.

We tailgated for the first Fresno State home game.

Then poor little Camden got sick. After a couple of week of Sophie in preschool, I think sadly some germs came home with her and our little guy caught the worst of it. He was a trooper though and back to his happy self in no time.

We helped Baba celebrate his 87th birthday!

 Camden found his toes and has been holding on to them ever since.

Sophie picked up a new hobby...karaoke.

Our cabinets have been installed and we are starting to see our kitchen take shape! Appliances are here and are being installed and the counter tops are in progress.

Sophie got an early birthday surprise from Mimi, a Sofia the First dress and tickets to Disney Jr's Pirates and Princesses show. She loved it and danced in the aisle.

And just this last weekend, another early birthday celebration...Disneyland. We visited the Magic Kingdom with four other families. All five families have little girls who are all turning three within a month of each other and they amazingly all have little brothers ranging from 3 months to one year. These girls all became friends through The Little Gym when most of them were just about a year old and it has been so fun to watch their friendships develop.



Life is crazy. What's new, right? It's a little extra chaotic around here though as we transition from our old house to our new one, with a stop at my parent's in between. While we remodel the kitchen, we are bunking at with them and driving ourselves crazy picking tile, countertops, hardware and more! I've had no time to take pictures or blog plus my computer isn't with me and who knows where the cord to download my pictures could be??? I couldn't let this huge milestone pass by without a post though. Last week, Sophie had her first day of preschool. She was totally ready for it but she just seems so little to be sending her off to school already. She will be attending two mornings a week and has two classes so far. She loves it and comes home chattering away about all the fun she's had and the things she has one. These are just a couple of iPhone pics from the first day.


Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

While in Aptos, we hopped over to Santa Cruz for a couple of hours to take Sophie to the Beach Boardwalk. She loved the rides and seemed excited to be a big girl who was now brave enough to ride them without a grown up!