
Magical Kitty

Auntie Madi gave Sophie a cute little kitty hat that we were hoping would fit her at Halloween but she was still way too tiny. When we needed to venture out today, I bundled her up and put on the kitty hat only to discover it had magical powers. It put her right to sleep!


Big Girl

It's amazing to watch how quickly Sophie is changing and growing. She's  developing her own little personality and its funny to see all the new facial expressions that come along with it.


Happy Thanksgiving

We have many reasons to be thankful this year, but most importantly we are thankful for our wonderful family, friends and little miss Sophie.


Sweet Sundays

Sophie enjoys watching football and snuggling with her dad on Sundays, but she insists on looking like a girl while she does it.


New Favorite

Although her taste changes almost daily, Sophie's current favorite toy is her Farmyard Activity Gym from Pottery Barn Kids. She loves talking to her animals!


Tummy Time?

What was supposed to be some tummy time this afternoon turned into nap time instead. Lifting up that little head was just too much work. When Sophie woke up, she decided she'd much rather just play on her back.


Double Bob

Today Sophie and I ventured out for a long walk at Woodward Park with our friends Jessica and Wyatt. Although our first official play date was a few weeks ago over lunch, Sophie and Wyatt still haven't seemed to really notice each other yet! I snagged this picture from Jessica's blog of our babies in their Bob strollers.



The three of us are getting a little more sleep around here. Not a lot, but every bit helps!