
Spreading the Love

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We were able to share a little time with just a few of our favorite people today.


Zoo Time with Friends

Fresno Chaffee Zoo offers a cute program called Tot Time and we attended for the first time the other day. Each class has a special theme to it (our was Grasslands) and the kids learn about animals that live there, do crafts and then meet a special animal friend. A tiny little burrowing owl was brought into the classroom and the kids loved it. When the class was over, we headed into the zoo with some friends to check out the rest of the animals. Sadly, there is no blue hoppinpiss at our zoo.

Snuggling goats. So cute!


Blue Hoppinpiss

Sophie fumbles over her words and then tries to recreate the moment when it cracks us up.

Blue Hoppinpiss from Sarah Kemps on Vimeo.


Friday Flashback

When we were visiting Tahoe last weekend, we lucked out with such great weather. The sun was shining and made for such a nice afternoon for Sophie and I to spend hanging out in the Village at Northstar. We enjoyed listening to a live band by the ice skating rink and Sophie danced her heart out as usual. Looking back at our trip from last year, I realized that she danced in the exact same spot last year. Check out the difference a year makes in her dance moves (and her hair!)

Dancing at Northstar from Sarah Kemps on Vimeo.

Northstar 2012 from Sarah Kemps on Vimeo.

Disney on Ice

My princess-obsessed princess had her first taste of a live performance this week when we attended the Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream show. The whole show was princess themed so we made a girly night of it and left Dad at home and took Madi and Gigi in his place. Sophie wore her Rapunzel dress complete with fake braid. She loved the whole thing and sat mesmerized until the end when she complained that she didn't get to "hug them."

(There is no flattering way to pose with a three foot tall two year old when you are seven months pregnant. Squatting just isn't cute)


Nillia With Finkles

Or what most of us would call vanilla with sprinkles. Sophie's favorite treat.


Cousin Ski Weekend

Last weekend, some of Chase's extended family gathered for the annual cousin's ski weekend in Tahoe. The weather was beautiful and the company was even better. Sophie loved hanging out with all "my friends" as she called her cousins.