
Me Do Dat (Sophie at 22 Months)

I've fallen behind. Way behind. More than two weeks have gone by and I haven't blogged a thing! Sophie turned 22 months on August 14 while we were on the East Coast and I just haven't had time to catch my breath and catch up on the blogging. Twenty two months is such a fun and funny time for her though, so I couldn't let it escape without a little recap.

Miss Independent is all about "me do dat" these days. I probably hear this phrase at least ten times a day. Maybe even 20. Sophie is super busy exploring her world, pushing herself to figure things out. She insists on doing as many things on her own as I will let her. Picking out shoes, pushing elevator buttons, pushing the grocery cart, paying with the credit card and signing after we've swiped it. She's gotten very brave about climbing up things, jumping off other things and the most scary of all, swimming on her own! She is such a water bug and would stay in the pool all day long if I'd let her. After playing around with a small blow up tube on our vacation, she's gotten very comfortable swimming anywhere in the pool on her own with either that ring or a fun noodle. She scares the heck out of me and we, of course, stay right by her side, but it's amazing how comfortable she is in the water.

These days Sophie's vocabulary has really taken off and she speaks in full sentences all the time. She has been using adjectives that crack me up. She tells me puppies and babies are "cute", daddy is "silly" and her Lulu is "funny." She rambles on all day long, talking to me and Chase, her girlsies, Lulu, anyone who will listen.

The most amazing thing that has FINALLY happened at 22 months is that my little Sophie is now a good sleeper. She seems to actually look forward to going down for naps or bedtime without too much drama. Sleeping has been a hard fought battle in our household and while she has been pretty good at sleeping through the night for last nine months or so, we always had to rock her until she was fully asleep.  It has only been since the beginning of this summer that we can lay her down in her bed awake, kiss her good night and walk away. And its only been just the last month that I can FINALLY do the same thing at nap time.

My busy been continues to change every day and amazes me with her growth. She's smart, she's opinionated and she tends to boss me around, but I love every second of it!

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