
21 Months

Another month has passed and Sophie is now 21 months old. I am sort of freaked out by how close to 2 years we are quickly getting! She's growing taller, her hair is getting longer and she is really looking like a little girl these days, not a baby anymore.

Sophie is counting to ten and every now and then throws in an eleven. She sings along to the abc's but still calls most colors blue. Maybe its her favorite color and I should rethink buying everything in pink? She's talking to herself, us, her babies, Lulu and anyone else who will listen. As I write this blog post, she is playing behind me on her slide and having a full conversation with a small doll about her set of golf clubs. "Oh babies. Down. Slide. One, two, three 'kay? Weeee! Nine, ten, eleven. Go! Ball. Hit. Go!" Her language is growing every day and more and more sentences are emerging.

My favorite Sophie phrases right now:

Thank you, Mommy or Thank you, Dada
(most thank you's require some prompting but for some reason with Chase and I, she doles them out willingly and in whole sentences)

Suit on
(this usually comes after she's asked for "pool" several times and I've ignored her request, suit on is the more urgent version)

Run Fast or Couch Jump
(pretty self explanatory but I love that she's starting to describe what she's doing)

Share Me
(we've been working on the concept of sharing so now I have to give in every time she asks to share something of mine, usually food)

Yeah, 'kay
(I'm sure I must say ok or 'kay to Sophie all the time because she now repeats it back to me, almost every yeah she says is followed by a 'kay)

Show Me, Show Me, Show Me
(As Sophie's language is developing, she and I can both get frustrated at times when we can't understand each other. I've asked her many times to "show me" what she's talking about when I can't figure out what she's saying and so now when she doesn't know a word she just yells "show me!")

Sophie has a talent for remembering song lyrics. She surprises me every time she chimes in while I'm singing to her or while we are listening to a song in the car. Right now she likes me to sing "This Little Light of Mine" if we are having some quiet time or I'm putting her to sleep and she chimes in on every single "shine." If we are having a dance party or we are in the car, then she's loving Carly Rae Jepsen. She's a wild and crazy girl these days and we love every second of it.

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