
Spring Break 2029

I wonder if this ever happens to other parents? Today I dressed Sophie in what I thought was an especially cute outfit. I didn't do it on purpose, I think all of her clothes are cute. For some reason I just really liked this on her. I was excited that the temperature had dropped a little and I could pull out a pair of pants. Her hair was looking a little crazy because it got the yogurt treatment thanks to breakfast, so I threw on a headband and she actually left it there.  Here is what the cute outfit looked like:

I then handed Sophie a sippy cup of water. Remember she really digs the cup these days. I walked down the hallway to her room to grab something, turning my back for just a minute. When I came back, I realized that Sophie had decided to have an impromptu wet t-shirt contest. I have no idea how she could literally chug and spit back out that entire sippy cup full of water in under a minute. She was soaked and she managed to do this all while crawling down the hallway after me. Chug, spit, crawl, chug, spit, crawl.

So off came the cute outfit and on went something else. Better luck next time.


  1. love the post, then went back and noticed the title. ha! (you prob won't think it is that funny in 2029, tho'! hahaha) mimi

  2. That is such a cute outfit!! Love the title of this post!

  3. You are right, it's funny now but if course I will never allow a spring break trip. Ha! I only wish I could have gotten a better "after" photo. Her shirt was so wet and embarrassingly see through!
