
Rockin' and Rollin', and Talking Too!

Over the last week, Sophie has been practicing her rolling and is now an expert at rolling from her back to front in both directions. She does it all on her own without prompting. In fact, I can hardly even get a picture of her on her back anymore before she's already flipping the other way. If I look away from one second she goes from this

to this

to this

Below is a funny little where it still took her a couple of tries

Rockin' and Rollin' from Sarah Kemps on Vimeo.


  1. Love the video! I should warn you that your cousin Katie, once she perfected rolling over, began to roll over and over and over again. I would leave her in the middle of the floor, and when I turned around, she was 10 feet from where I left her!

  2. It's fun to see Sophie live! She looks so proud of herself and a little surprised. So cute!!!

  3. 10 feet away?!?!? that's hilarious. i heard of a friend's baby turning into a little baby burrito by rolling over and over and taking a blanket with him. right now she hasn't mastered the front to back, but i know its just a matter of time! doesn't she look proud, val? and surprised at the same time to see the world from a whole new view. ha!
