
Juice Mama?

She always says this while nodding enthusiastically, encouraging me to say "Yes, please Sophie. Juice for Mama."


Sophie and Her Entourage

Sophie insisted I line up every baby to sit with her today. And then they all had a sing along.


A Bit of This and That

For no reason in particular, I have not been using the fancy shmancy camera as much lately. Sometimes I get in a mood where I just want to be more present in what Sophie and I are doing and not worried as much about documenting it. I do always have the iPhone handy though, so here are a few pics of my sweet girl lately.

Exploring the water

Enjoying a picnic lunch from Dusty Buns

Accessorizing her outfits

Feeding the cat, of course


Giddy Up

Enjoying a little time at the playground. Sophie is finally big enough to ride the horsies and bounce them back and forth herself.


Twelve Months Ago Today

Sophie was sitting up on her own for the very first time. Again, I'm reminded how quickly the last year has gone by.


Eighteen Months

One and a half years old. Wow, that sounds old. Although I've considered Sophie a toddler ever since she started walking, 18 months seems to be the true dividing line between babies and toddlers. Sophie is as wild and crazy as ever. Running everywhere and climbing everything, she does like testing her limits. Her vocabulary grows daily and it amazes me just as often. A few of my current favorite Sophie words are "milk" (pronounced with an n instead of m), "me" which she has started using when referring to herself and "back" to tell me that either she will be back or wants me to come back.

Sophie still keeps Sarah close by her side by now also loves to bring her "girls" (plastic princess dolls) with us as well. She loves calling out for Lulu, although it sounds like Yuyu and playing tug of war with her. Sophie loves to play hide and seek and peek a boo, but more than anything, loves to be scared or surprised during these games. This is definitely not a trait she got from me! I hate being scared! Sophie is a little mimic and will try to repeat anything you say and also try to copy your facial expressions. She loves coloring and stickers and playing a game I like to call Baby Fetch where I ask for things and she brings them to me. I know I say this every month, but this is such a fun age and I treasure every minute with her.


The Huntress

Sophie was an egg-huntin' fool these year. She had plenty of practice leading up to the big day and when it was time for the main event, she was a total pro.


Spring Break: Day Four

Day four of our spring break celebration seemed to be all about eating! We enjoyed two meals out today, did a little shopping, played with the pups back at home and were nearly blown away by the crazy wind.

Sophie colored and enjoyed some Artichoke & Broccoli soup and Mac 'n cheese with Mimi and Ammy at CPK.

Mimi taught her to hide things under her shirt. I just hope we don't have any shoplifting situations in our future. That could get embarrassing.

At Vonda's, Sophie made friends with a stuffed rabbit.

And then introduced him to a giraffe.

For dinner we chowed down on Teppanyaki with Papa. Although Sophie normally loves the show, our chef wasn't much of a performer. She was fidgety during most of the meal until he served us our bean sprouts and she sat perfectly still for almost twenty minutes slurping them down.


Spring Break: Day Three

Day three nearly got the best of Sophie and me. Apparently we've been partying too hard during Spring Break and it caught up with us. Day three started with some coloring, sticker fun and of course some Disney princess music to rock out to in the background. Aside from Disney princess songs, Sophie is currently hooked on Foster the People's Pumped Up Kicks and Rumor Has It by Adele. I swear these are her picks and she constantly asks for "more, more? more!" The girl likes a good beat.

Next it was time to head to Chase's office for more Easter festivities and lunch. We almost didn't make it, someone passed out on the way...

But she rallied and woke up happy to dance with dolls, kick some balls, hunt for eggs, and generally entertain the office.

Back at home, after a two hour nap, we both still felt like this....

A little groggy and still tired, we stayed in bed a little longer and Lulu joined us for some snuggles and cartoon time.

A visit from Gannon and Obby helped us perk right up and we capped off the evening with Chinese food at Imperial Palace.


Spring Break: Day Two

During our second day of Spring Break debauchery we hit up an Easter egg hunt, lunched with the ladies, cruised around Fig Garden Village and then took a train ride!



checking out her stash

 next we hunted for Sophie's favorite letter... O! she found them everywhere!

Sophie was hoping we could take home all 17 Snow White Spatulas

After a quick nap, we headed down to Roeding Park. We were hoping to check out Storyland which is open for Spring Break this week but we were a little too late. Instead we took a train ride!