
Spring Fever

Spring has sprung around here. We are soaking up every bit of time outside we can.

His little face looking up at his big sister just kills me!


Ski Weekend

We spent a beautiful, snowy weekend with friends up at Huntington Lake. Several families gathered together and the kids had a blast. Sophie tried skiing for the first time and loved it. She was so brave and kept telling Chase she wanted to do more runs and "all by herself."


Eleven Months

Our big boy is eleven months old today. The countdown is officially on until his first birthday! He's full of funny sounds and faces these days and has the fastest one-leg, one-knee crawl you've ever seen. He eats like a champ and keeps us entertained all day long.

I had to include this last photo because of the ridiculous face Soph is making. I don't know if I caught her post sneeze or maybe taking a sniff of a dirty diaper but it had me cracking up when I downloaded these pictures.


Guy Stuff

Camden is already a responsible young man who helps out around the house. The other day he pitched in to help Chase fix the gate.


Play Time

Camden's favorite spot lately is in Sophie's room. Although he has plenty of toys of his own, he loves playing in there, especially when she will play with him. Sophie is such a sweet big sister and usually shares. The other day while I was making dinner I let them play on their own and she kept calling out to me, "We're doing fine, mom. We're making a big mess, mom. We're having fun, mom!"